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Nominee Slate Announced!
The following persons are nominated for the KCADP Board election which will take place on October 15, 2022: Vice Chair: Ron Wurtz Treasurer: Robert Sanders Board of Directors: Steve Becker, Kelson Bohnet, Celeste Dixon, Brendan Fox, Willmar T. Harder, Marcus Rhodes, Moji Rosson, Teresa Woody. KCADP members will be able to participate in the election in person and virtually. Virtual attendance requires pre-registration for the Zoom link. To pre register, email and indicate your participation format (in person or virtual).
[ Read More... ]Bylaws Change to be Considered at Oct. 15th Annual Meeting
At the October 15th Annual Meeting there is an amendment to the KCADP bylaws which will be presented for consideration of the KCADP members. The amendment deals with the maximum number of members of the board of directors. Currently the bylaws read: “There shall be no less than four (4) and no more than twelve (12) directors.” The proposed amendment is “There shall be no less than four (4) and no more than fourteen (14) directors.” All KCADP members present, whether in person or virtual, will be asked to vote on this proposed bylaws change.
[ Read More... ]OUR RECENT POSTS

It’s "Candidate" Season!
When we look outside, we see that the seasons are changing. Trees are leafing out, spring flowers are blooming and lawns too are growing. It’s a season of political changes too. The Legislature has ended and the next season—Candidate season—is already evident too. In the elections this … [ Read More... ]

"What I saw set my soul on fire…"
“They killed a man with fire one night. They strapped him in a wooden chair and pumped electricity through his body until he was dead.” …I was there. I saw it with my own eyes. What I saw set my soul on fire, a fire that burns me still. And now here is an account of how I came to be and still am.” … [ Read More... ]

‘Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues"
Sr. Helen Prejean is coming to Kansas! Monday March 5th at 7 p.m. Woodruff Auditorium in the Memorial Union on the KU Campus in Lawrence Jayhawks for Life is sponsoring this event which is free and open to the public. This is a great opportunity to hear such an inspiring speaker! … [ Read More... ]
Retired Kansas Secretary of Corrections Werholtz: "It’s time to end the death penalty".
Retired Kansas Secretary of Corrections, Roger Werholtz, has spoken out recently twice in support of death penalty abolition. He served as Secretary of Corrections in Kansas for 8 years, as well as interim director in the Colorado Department of Corrections in 2013. He told the October 21st … [ Read More... ]

McIntyre case gives reason to pause
On Oct. 13th, after proceedings in Wyandotte County District court, Lamonte McIntyre was released from custody after serving 23 years on charges of murdering two persons. The District Attorney agreed to the release calling it a case of "manifest injustice". McIntyre became the second person … [ Read More... ]