Do you have a smartphone or computer? Are you looking for ways to get involved in the repeal effort right from your home? It’s your lucky day. KCADP is increasing its social media presence and is looking for coalition members to help us in our repeal efforts on social media. We call these dedicated social media gurus “KCADP Superfans.”
KCADP has always relied on coalition members to spread the word about issues, events, and important news relating to the death penalty and its repeal. Superfans will play an important role in the upcoming legislative session to add comments of clarification to KCADP social media content and will help spread KCADP posts and content regarding news, issues, and general info relating to the death penalty by liking and sharing KCADP content. To sign up to become a Superfan, email socialmedia@ksabolition.org.