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New Board Members Elected!
At the KCADP Annual Meeting on November 14th, the following persons were re-elected to continue serving as KCADP officers: Ron Wurtz (Vice Chair) and Robert Sanders (Treasurer). Current board members who were re-elected to a new term were Steve Becker, Thea Perry, Robert Shawn Streepy and Celeste Dixon. Elected as new board members were Teresa Woody and Kelson Bohnet. These two year terms begin on January 1, 2021.
[ Read More... ]Death Penalty Abolition: The Necessary Milestone in the American Struggle for Racial Equality, Civil Rights and Criminal Justice Reform
Please join us for the 2020 KCADP Annual Meeting and Abolition Conference! November 14, 2020 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Great speakers: Bea Swoopes, Mark McCormick, Cheryl Pilate. No charge! Open to KCADP members and the general public. Click here to view the full flyer. Questions: Contact us at or by calling 785-235-2237.
[ Read More... ]OUR RECENT POSTS
Happy Holidays!
Dear Friends, During this holiday season, we send you this message of thanks and cheer. Your gifts of your time, your devotion and commitment and your financial support have made a real difference in our push to repeal the death penalty. As you draw near to friends and family, as you … [ Read More... ]
Thank you for Donating
Dear Friends, I am writing to say thank you for giving so generously to KCADP on #GivingTuesday this year! We set a goal of $1,000 and we have exceeded it! If you missed that opportunity to support KCADP, you still have time to make an impact by donating to our Annual Fund Drive. I am sure … [ Read More... ]
Tuesday is Giving Tuesday!
That means you can help the Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty reach our goal of $1,000 in donations on Tuesday! Our fight to end the death penalty continues and it is time to take a stand and bring an end to the death penalty in Kansas once and for all! Do encourage friends, neighbors … [ Read More... ]
Thank You
Dear Friends, Thank you for being part of the KCADP community! And thank you for your steadfast call for repeal of the death penalty. Your letters, emails and calls to your elected representatives and officials, your financial support, and the constant inspiration you give us are what keep us … [ Read More... ]
Nebraska Senator Colby Coash at the 2015 Annual Abolition Conference
Click here to watch Nebraska Senator Colby Coash speaking at the 2015 Annual Abolition Conference. … [ Read More... ]