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The Death Penalty’s Decline Continues!
Across the United States, the death penalty continues to fall out of favor with Americans in general and with juries. A majority of Americans choose life! Since 1985 the Gallup poll has asked a question about whether the death penalty or life in prison without parole “is the better penalty for murder”. For the first time ever, a majority of Americans, 60%, chose life in prison without parole compared to 36% for capital punishment. Juries and legislators are choosing life also. More states are choosing to end the death penalty. New Hampshire abolished in 2019, making it 21 states without […]
[ Read More... ]Kansans Making a Difference
Just 60 days into his tenure as governor of Kansas, John Carlin was forced to confront the death penalty head-on. While he had promised not to oppose its reinstatement during his campaign, he admitted that, like many, he hadn’t thought very deeply about the death penalty at that point. When freshly passed legislation authorizing executions arrived on his desk in early 1979, though, “It started to become real,” he said. On November 2nd, Governor Carlin told the full tale of his conversion from inaction to abolition hero, as people from fifteen different Kansas communities attended the KCADP annual meeting and […]
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Radio Discussion on "Ending the Death Penalty in Kansas"
Archbishop joseph Naumann, Former Rep. Anthony Brown and Mary Sloan,Executive director of KCADP discussed "Ending the Death Penalty in Kansas" Click here to listen to the podcast. … [ Read More... ]
Thank You!
We would like to thank all who participated in our Conservative Press Conference on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. We thank the speakers, the audience, and everyone who helped make the press conference a success. Repealing death penalty is truly a non-partisan issue. People of diverse … [ Read More... ]
Conservatives and Republicans Call for Repeal of Kansas Death Penalty
CONSERVATIVES AND REPUBLICANS CALL FOR REPEAL OF KANSAS DEATH PENALTY As conservative and Republican leaders in Kansas, we come from a variety of perspectives and affiliations, but our core principles – limited government, fiscal responsibility, the right to life and liberty – unite us … [ Read More... ]
Conservative Leaders to Call For End of Death Penalty on March 17
A growing number of conservatives in Kansas are speaking out against the death penalty because it fails to live up to core conservative values: limited government, fiscal responsibility, and valuing life. Join us at the Kansas State Capitol on Tuesday, March 17! WHAT: … [ Read More... ]
Abolition Bill – HB 2129
Abolition Bill - HB 2129 (For more information contact: Mary Sloan, Executive Director) On Tuesday, January 27, 2015, HB 2129 to repeal the death penalty and replace it with life without parole was introduced by Representative Steven Becker of Buhler. Since then, we have had a Lobby … [ Read More... ]