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KCADP Address Stays the Same…for now at least!
As noted in our newsletter, KCADP is one of the many individuals and groups affected by the temporary closure of the downtown Topeka post office on May 27th. The Post Office staff indicate that for now the KCADP address will stay the same (PO Box 2065, Topeka, Kansas 66601). There is mention of an upcoming meeting to discuss plans and get community feedback. If that leads to a future change, we will let you know.
[ Read More... ]Tree of Healing
Our Response to Murder: Revenge? Or Support and Healing? In the 1994 Kansas legislative session, the question again arose – what should be the response to the most serious form of murder? Prison or execution? In response, Bill Lucero, KCADP founder and murder victim family member, told the House Federal and State Affairs Committee, “The death penalty that’s been proposed will not relieve that suffering and pain . . . . Legal vengeance, thinly disguised as ‘retribution justice’ only prolongs and creates greater suffering. Let me emphasize, healing will only occur from time, and the love and support of […]
[ Read More... ]OUR RECENT POSTS

Colorado is # 22!
Governor Jared Polis on March 23, 2020, signed the legislation which ended the Colorado death penalty. They became the twenty-second abolitionist state overall and the tenth to end the death penalty since 2007. credit: Death Penalty Information Center A failed … [ Read More... ]

The Death Penalty’s Decline Continues!
Across the United States, the death penalty continues to fall out of favor with Americans in general and with juries. A majority of Americans choose life! Since 1985 the Gallup poll has asked a question about whether the death penalty or life in prison without parole “is the better penalty for … [ Read More... ]

Kansans Making a Difference
Just 60 days into his tenure as governor of Kansas, John Carlin was forced to confront the death penalty head-on. While he had promised not to oppose its reinstatement during his campaign, he admitted that, like many, he hadn't thought very deeply about the death penalty at that point. When … [ Read More... ]
Board Nominees
The following persons comprise the nominee slate to be presented to the KCADP Annual Meeting on November 2nd in Manhattan. All nominations are for two years. Chair: Donna SchneweisSecretary: Meryl Carver-Allmond Directors: Sr. Therese Bangert, Al Terwelp, Rev. Michael Poage, Diane Garlock, … [ Read More... ]