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Reexamining Justice: How Restorative Principles Can End the Death Penalty in Kansas
Speakers are Todd Lehman and Celeste Dixon. Mr. Lehman is the Executive Director of Offender Victim Ministries of Kansas. Ms. Dixon is a Kansas resident whose mother Marguerite was murdered in Texas. The person charged with the murder was convicted and sentenced to death and ultimately executed. Our panelists for this event will explore the question of justice in regards to homicide and what insights can be learned from re-examining justice in light of restorative principles. How does the death penalty compound the loss experienced by the family of the murder victim? Could restorative principles along with […]
[ Read More... ]The Kansas Death Penalty at 29: What do the years tell us?
On July 1st, Kansas entered its twenty ninth year of a capital punishment law on the books again. Passed by the legislature and allowed by Governor Joan Finney to become law without her signature, the bill was accompanied by many hopes and promises of its supporters. “We’ll get it right and not be like those other states.” “We’ll fund the public defense system.” And, the one that still gets repeated from time to time “This is reserved for the ‘worst of the worst’.” There are a good number of Kansans who remember the reinstatement fight of 1994 […]
[ Read More... ]OUR RECENT POSTS
New Board Members Elected!
At the KCADP Annual Meeting on November 14th, the following persons were re-elected to continue serving as KCADP officers: Ron Wurtz (Vice Chair) and Robert Sanders (Treasurer). Current board members who were re-elected to a new term were Steve Becker, Thea Perry, Robert Shawn Streepy and … [ Read More... ]

Death Penalty Abolition: The Necessary Milestone in the American Struggle for Racial Equality, Civil Rights and Criminal Justice Reform
Please join us for the 2020 KCADP Annual Meeting and Abolition Conference! November 14, 2020 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Great speakers: Bea Swoopes, Mark McCormick, Cheryl Pilate. No charge! Open to KCADP members and the general public. Click here to view the full … [ Read More... ]
Kansas Reaches 55 Year Milestone: No Executions!
On June 22, Kansas will turn 55. No it doesn’t mean Kansas can take money out of a retirement plan or get senior citizen discounts. Rather, we celebrate 55 years without an execution conducted in the name of the people of Kansas! Kansas has long had a conflicted history regarding the death … [ Read More... ]