Thank you all so much for your strong advocacy against Senate Substitute for HB 2389!
As a result of many calls for the House to have its voice heard on this very important issue, here’s what happened Saturday:
A motion by Representative Rubin to adopt the Conference Committee report to “agree to disagree” on HB 2389 did NOT prevail, meaning HB 2389 will remain in Conference. The 63 “NO” votes from the House on this motion shows strong support for allowing the House to fully review, debate, and consider for itself, the important issues involved in “reforming” the appeals process.
Representative Becker, Representative Jennings and Representative Carmichael all spoke regarding this bill to urge that the motion be defeated. Please let them know you appreciate their leadership.
Though this motion vote is encouraging and a step in the right direction, we must remain diligent! Please contact your local representative and urge him or her to oppose HB 2389! you can find your representative here.
Thank you for you continued support and action!